Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners

Provides individuals equal opportunities to learn.

Recognition Networks (WHAT)
  • How we gather facts and categorize what we see, hear, and read. Identifying letters, words, or an author's style are recognition tasks.
Strategic Networks (HOW)
  • Planning and performing tasks. How we organize and express our ideas. Writing an essay or solving a math problem are strategic tasks.
Affective Networks (WHY)
  • How learners get engaged and stay motivated. How they are challenged, excited, or interested. These are affective dimensions.

National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2014). What is UDL?. Retrieved from http://www.udlcenter.org/aboutudl/whatisudl

  • Presentation Accommodation
  • Response Accommodation
  • Setting Accommodation
  • Timing Accommodation
  • Scheduling Accommodation
  • Organization Skills Accommodation

  • Assignment Modification
  • Curriculum Modification

English Learners (ESOL)

Beginner Support
  • Label
  • Point
  • Illustrate
  • Slow down pace
  • L1 Support
  • Simplified Text

Intermediate Support

  • Simplified Text
  • L1 Support
  • Slow down pace
  • Illustrate
  • Point
  • Label
  • Paired Writing
Advanced Support

  • Labeled Questions
  • Simplified Text (when needed)
  • Step by step instructions

Educating English Learners
This book is a great source of information for beginner
teacher in each level. Provides clear examples and support
for ESOL teacher.


Assistive Technology- device or equipment that helps a person with disabilities to learn in a regular classroom setting.
Special Keyboard for Students with Disabilities.
The size of the keyboard allow the students to click
the letters more effectively.

Assistive Technology (Writing)

  • Graphic Organizers
  • Handwriting Tools
  • Spellcheck and Grammar check
  • Keyboard and Touch Screens

Assistive Technology (Reading)

  • Audiobooks
  • Mobile Devices
  • Text-to-Speech
  • Optical Character Recognition
Audiobooks in Smartphone Device
Allows students to read and listen to the
sound at the same time to better focus.

Assistive Technology (Listening)

Teachers' Microphone
Allows teachers to transmit voice messages
more effectively by increasing the sound of
the voice.
  • Audio Players
  • Recorders
  • FM Listening System (reduce background noise)
  • Graphic Organizers
